Frequently Asked Questions

How are values inputted?

Bonus Points

  • Bonus points are counted for the first year only. For example, if a card offers 90,000 bonus points in the first year, and 30,000 bonus points for keeping the card for a second year, only the 90,000 bonus points will be counted.

Annual Fee

  • Annual fees are inclusive of any cashback offered for meeting the minimum spend. However, they do not count other credits that may be offered, such as travel credits.
  • Annual fees are counted for the first year only. For example, if a card has an annual fee of $99 in the first year, and $199 for subsequent years, only the $99 annual fee will be counted.
  • Cards with a monthly fee are converted to an annual fee by multiplying the monthly fee by 12. Note that this may not be accurate for cards that offer monthly fee wavers depending on meeting a minimum spend each month.

Minimum Spend

  • Some cards require that you meet a minimum spend every month for the first few of months. In these cases, the minimum spend is calculated by multiplying the monthly minimum spend by the number of months required, and the minimum spend period is set to the number of months required.

What currency are dollars shown in?

All values are shown in Australian dollars (AUD), unless otherwise stated.

Can I help contribute to this website?

Yes! This website is open source, and you can contribute to it on GitHub.

I have another question...

No worries! Send us an email at [email protected], and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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